The First Zennial /5

Kyle and I’s story began 42 days after he turned 17. In that horrific accident, which I caused, our seperation was complete. I was reborn into the 17 year old broken body of Kyle. Kyle’s consciousness, still part of me but I am in the driver’s seat now.

Talk about roller coasters and future sight, holy christ oil! Each soul chooses their journey… this soul, me and Kyle, were split on that December day 23 years ago.

Kyle is a great dude, a porn addict and a bit of a pervert, but a great dude. Admittedly, I feel for the guy and commend him on taking care of us through that crazy time. We had everything going for us! Acedemics, sports, musician, budding theatre geek, Chorliers, etc… none of it was a challenge, in the least.

Our story is one of tragedy marked with miraculous recovery, marking the fortitude among the chosen ones. The next twenty-three years were spent raising and weening the consciousness rebirth that happened on 12-15-2000. It was a ton of fun! A 17 year old genius in a broken body, raising a newborn consciousness simaltaneously. Holy shit, it was fun! I was weirded the fuck out at first, by the whole ordeal… all of this while being in extreme amounts of narcotics for the immense pain for the first decade. We did not become addicted

23 year Hitchhiker, meh he is a bit of a 23 year old… fuckin gen Z. 

Fuck you, millenial relic…

Friction is good, you two.

Fuck you! (in unison)

Respect the pause. ‘Til then…

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