
D Versus E Post wall THOT, hotness previous Gone for a couple, Come back cougar smashed Chasing young cos only attention Friend from afore Still rocking form and sway Kids not effecting Work affectionately paid for oneself Nostalgia twinges, red pill prevails Laughter and facepalm Power supplanted Funny to see in action


Kendaled Strife Betrayed hisself, potential her Mind rushed judgement through fortnight Carrying on wayward ways Reality recognizes too late to matter What the serious fuck?!? Rebuilding stronger only option left Afore attracted, authentic Known chemical madness beware Fucking fucking FUCK! Obviously, frustration abounds Kinky love lights way for Facepalm moment of future laughs


Immature Maturity Life energy moves in amazing ways Vibrational levels change everything A release, a little release Revelatory for some Others, undue stress abounds For pain causal, not Skipping stones of a past Long bewildered Carry lightly the heart reciprocate Rare enough to accept what be Grow up, shit stops now!

Written last night, formatting errors, fixed.

Kyle, nineteen years later It is frustratingly hilarious....being an honest guy in this world of makeup, lies, and other deceptions. He can't win for losing, he cannot help but freely open up about his past and his lack of experience. His lack of experience determines that any future experience will never happen. Said lack is … Continue reading Written last night, formatting errors, fixed.